Tuesday, March 10

The Difference is in the Details

As the saying goes, it's the little things in life that really make a difference. Whether it's at dinner, at home, in the garden or wherever, it's the little unexpected touches that truly make a difference.

How many times have you seen something and thought, wow, what a difference a simple touch makes. Things that get our creative brains (or even those non-creative brains) churning and visualizing how you could replicate it with something similiar you already have! I especially love the little details when they utlize things that have been repurposed.

Here are some of those very things, that make me say WOW, what a great idea. Where and how can I use that idea:

What a great use for an old door... whether it's leaning against a wall, hung on a wall or supported with brackets, it's not something you expect!

Two old shutters simply leaning against a brick wall, with a plain grapevine wreath.

Old flatware framed and placed in an area of prominence...use baby spoons, family silver, old monogrammed flatware found at a flea market, etc.

A set of nesting tables used as a coffee table!

Old Sunday School classroom chairs hung from a large wall.

What do you have stored in your garage or basement that can give you that "WOW I would have never thought of that" comment from your guests? Drop me a post and let me know what you come up with!

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