Saturday, April 11

Before and After

Here's a less than exciting drafting chair, that is perfect for use at the computer, sewing machine, crafting table and so much more.

While the chair is perfectly functional and comfortable, it is rather plain and stark, or at least I think it is.

Solution, find a fabric that you like/love and a dear friend who can sew and you will end up with a drafting chair that looks like this!

Don't you just love it! My dear friend Kathy used her wonderful creative sewing skills and made a slipcover for my chair! She is so talented and always willing to help me create what my mind dreams up! I count her as one of my many blessings!

Now, each time I walk into my craft room I have this lovely chair to look at and Kathy comes quickly to mind!

What do you have around your house that is truly functional but less than exciting that you can perform a before and after on?

1 comment:

  1. I have an old office chair (probably 45 or 50 yrs old) and the seat fabric is just paper thin and uncomfortable to sit on. I've tried putting a chair pad on it, but it looks odd. I thought about re-covering it, but I'd have to disassemble the chair to do it right. This is the perfect solution. I can re-cover the back and the arm cushions easy enough, but the seat part was looking like an impossible adventure. Thanks for the motivation.



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